Friday, 29 November 2013

school and world

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

Just finished listening to Mufti Ismail Menk talk. The speech is really really really great. I just want to share a little bit knowledge i got from there.

Analogy....Our life in school and our life in this world is very closely related

The higher you go, the greater the test, the more difficulties you might face. Your life is not in the school. Your real life where are you living is outside the school. The life in school is just a test. You need to work hard as possible whether you like the school or not, whether you like the homework or not, whether you like the teachers or not, whether you enjoy wearing the uniform or not. You need to wear uniform, you need to work hard, you need to try your best, you must sit for the exam often and every time you write an exam you will get higher mark then previous exam. When you graduate, you will now with that certificate be able to do whatever you want in the world (outside the school where you've been now). The higher qualification you get the more chances you have. Just say what do you want to be. An accountant, an auditor, a lecturer? By having excellent certificate you will get the job you applied for (by the will of Allah S.W.T)

The life in this world is just a test. The real life where you will enjoy everything is in the hereafter. In this world you might face with some difficulties for the last year, this year and so on. You must do what Allah instructs you to do even though you don't like it. You need to wear hijab even though it makes you feel uncomfortable. You need to perform solah even you're sick. You need always be patience even though other people are insulting at you. The greater the test you face it shows that Allah loves you more, the more reward you will get (by the will of Allah S.W.T). When you perform well in this world, obey all Allah's instruction, you will get the good mark. And when you die (graduate), you have this ultimate certificate. You can now do what ever you want to do in akhirah. When you have all a's, Allah says in the Quran "udkhuluhaa bisalaam". Enter into Jannah with peace. Here is your certificate. Allah has mentioned this in the quran that He will give book for those who is successful with right hand. May Allah gives all our books with right hand. InsyaAllah

* So as for he who is given his record in his right hand, he will say "Here, read my record!"
* Indeed i was certain that i would be meeting my account
* So he will be in a pleasant life
* In a elevated garden
* Its (fruit) to be picked hanging near
* (They will be told), "Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you put forth in the days past".
( Al-Haqqah : 19-24 )

Wallahu A'lam

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