Monday, 5 January 2015


Sambil-sambil tangan ligat membasuh pinggan, mulut juga ligat bercakap...

---> Mama ! mama ! "Semmuo laide"
~~> Err whats that?
---> Ni bahasa cina la. Hehe
~~> Doesn't sound chinese to me. It sounds Weirddddd.

Haha sadisnya. Wuwuwu. Takpe takpe. Jangan mengalah ! Cuba lagi. 

Nak excel bahasa kedua, ketiga , keempat ni memerlukan keinginan yang mendalam dan semangat yang jitu. Kalau takat belajar sehari, lepas tu campak nota dalam kolam ikan, guane nak cemerlang kan?

Officemate saya ramai chinese. Bila bersembang, most of the time they will speak in Malay. Secara tidak langsung, mereka mahir dan mampu menguasai tiga bahasa sekaligus. Common mistake yang selalu mereka buat bila berbahasa melayu adalah tertinggal huruf atau tersalah sebut. From here, i learnt something. I saw something. I noticed something. They can sharpen their skill in bahasa by having daily conversation with us. And me? What happen to me? No improvement? Standing quietly in the cocoon without any movement? Oh. NO NO NO !

Peringatan penting wahai diri

Use time wisely. Don't let it go just like that. So, Sakina...please force yourself to learn with them and memorize more vocabulary. Chinese vocabulary. I think the most effective way to belajar bahasa asing is by memorizing the sentence. A sentence a day. Looks simple right? Hehe. For example "Ni haw ma" and the answer is "wo hen haw". Pronunciation kena betul. Mana tahu within a year i can speak chinese fluently! Successful without ada sleng malay at all. Hehehe. We never know right....hehe 

Kata-kata pujangga hari ini,

They succeed because they think they can ! 

~ sakina you can !

Wallahu A'lam

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